Studio Policies

Let’s set you up for success


All lesson are taught via the Zoom video platform.

I will provide tracks for vocal exercises and you will need to have a track for any song we are working on ready at the time of your lesson.

Setting up a recurring lesson time will be the best way to insure you have a regular spot in my schedule.

Please contact me for pricing and session dates.



  • If you are late to your lesson, your lesson will still end at the originally designated end time. If your instructor is late, you will always get your allotted time.

  • Students should not come to a lesson when they are sick. You will need to let your teacher know ASAP if you are unable to make a lesson due to illness.

  • Setting goals is an important part of voice lessons. Share your goals with your teacher so that you can collaborate on meeting them.

  • Please come to lessons with all materials needed, (tracks, sheet music, lyrics, pencil/pen, water bottle, etc.).nd and they complete 1 hour worth of lessons.



  • Please take care of your invoice by the 1st of each month.

  • All cancellations must be sent via email or text to your instructor directly.

  • If you make a cancellation within 24 hours of your lesson, you are responsible for paying the full amount.

  • If you give more than 24 hours notice, there will either be a makeup time provided or a strict cancellation. This is up to the instructor based on their schedule and current availability.

  • If the instructor has to miss a lesson or cancel, the lesson will always be made up within 6 weeks of the cancelled lesson. No refunds are provided.

  • Discontinuation of lessons must be done 2 weeks in advance. All payment for lessons up until that time are due.

  • Receive 25% off your next lesson package when you refer a friend and they complete 1 hour worth of lessons.